My Dad had tried installing one in the past and had already built a bracket that was almost in the right location. I searched the Internet to find instructions on how to install an alternator on an antique tractor and did not come up with much. So I figured it out my self. My alternator is a self exciting alternator, which means that I have to get the engine RPM's up pretty high before it begins creating a charge to the system. After you excite it on start up you can throttle down and the alternator will continue to work. As I begin re-wiring the tractor, I will detail how and why I hooked it up. I will try to make some videos demonstrating how the charging system works.
This is an updated wiring diagram of how I hooked up my electrical system to work with the Delco Alternator. I went to my local Radio Shack store and got a few Rectifying Diodes that worked great.