This is where the battery sits. It need lots of cleaning and sanding.
The hood need to have some dents banged out. The guy at the paint store told me to clean it, primer it, and then use the body putty to make it smooth.
I got the gas tank looking really nice and ready for primer.
This is all that is still together on the main frame. I hope to take the wheels off and clean and paint with out taking this all apart. I have degreesed it about 4 times and each time I clean more off. hopefully only one more time.
This joint has been broken for a long time. I welded it back up.
View from front.
Clutch housing. The hydraulic pump is mounted here.

Hydraulic oil reservoir
This is the thinner to clean my stuff up while painting.
2 part epoxy primer that I am using.
Make life easier when mixing! A must have!
My neighbors gun that I am using. It works awesome! Lots of control.
The paint that I will be using. I can't wait until it is done!
The primer went on really nice. I wish that my paint gun held more paint. I could only mix small amounts at a time. I think next time I will mix lager volumes and just keep adding it as I need it.
I also got the clutch housing primered, and the tractor dash assembly scraped, snaded and primered! I got a lot done this weekend. I hope that next weekend I will have some orange going on!